Pleasure Power Experts

Surviving COVID

Teaching others tools to come into alignment and find their centre is my happy place.
I know that I teach my own medicine so I have to practice every day what that looks like – to allow the world around me to be whatever it is…

The TORNADO of life!

When I am in the eye of the storm nothing can sway me…
I am grounded, supported, able to hold my intention with clarity, take inspired action and surrender into the flow of life itself.

I know innately that nothing that is mine will ever be denied me.
I surrender, let go and come back to my true essence and BE-ing.

This beingness is ‘THE EYE (“I”) IN THE CENTER OF THE STORM’.
The place where we can tap into our innate wisdom…
Where head meets heart.
Where light meets shadow.
We become the observers. The curious explorers.
There is no fight or judgment here.

This is where we can access all our Pleasure.
Our Power.
And the Abundance that is always flowing, always there for us – but only when our hands are open wide… not attached to anything – that’s when are we willing and able to RECEIVE it!

Gratitude is a great way to help take us from the active tornado and bring us back to the eye (or the “I”) within ourselves.

Affirmations I love to own include:

Today I am so deeply grateful.
For my life.
For those I love.
For my partner.
For my body!
For my choice.
And the ability to ALWAYS choose to choose again!

So back to you…

What can you choose to be grateful for today?
To find your centre.
To allow the storm rage.
To come back to you, this present moment and your own business.

As you do this imagine you send out chords of connection up and down:
deep into Mother Earth and up into Father Sun.

Feel how grounded, suspended and alive you are.
How present and open you are to receive.

Now from this new place of present awareness ask…

“What one thing will I choose to do today that will take me closer to all I want?”