Ready to have the most Amazing Orgasms of your life?!
Learn skills and techniques to help you get ‘out of your head’ and reconnect to your body’s innate pleasure and wisdom.
Have your first big O AND the know-how to access these ‘full body’ orgasmic states more consistently for yourself!
Understand and take the courageous steps necessary to naturally heal pain states (caused by physical, psychological and emotional trauma), on your road to healing.
Overcome emotional blocks and challenges like the pressure to perform or body shame.
Learn invaluable skills to super fast track your own results based on the power and the mastery that comes from understanding and combining BOTH clinical and holistic elements.
Men: you can learn ways to better understand the women in your world and how to access more orgasmic states of connection and pleasure – both solo and together.
These are the benefits women have when they experience this program!
From the desk of Ella Hall
Are you a “busy woman” who is just too busy to enjoy long-lasting exquisite pleasure and fabulous orgasms…often?
Perhaps you have never before given yourself the permission to fully explore your body, your pleasure and your bliss?
Or, perhaps you just don’t have ‘the know how’ on where to begin to have fabulous orgasms?
Did you know that being a MULTI-ORGASMIC goddess is your birthright?! And… that ALL women CAN learn how to access and claim this ability?!
Well, if you can relate to being a ‘busy woman’, just don’t have the ‘know how’ or have yet to embody your full potential of the world of multi-orgasmic pleasure that is yours to claim…
As the only Mother and Daughter sex-perts in Australia, Dr Jan and I are here for you.
We are dedicated and passionate about helping ALL women (and the men who love them) to connect more deeply to themselves and each other and do so while being calm, centered, powerful and pleasure-filled.

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
Perfect for:

The Busy Woman
(stuck in her head and disconnected from her pleasure – heart and sex )

Mothers & Daughters
(wanting to have permission granting and empowering conversations about sex)

Hot Blooded Women
(who want unlimited access to their Pleasure Power consistently)

All Men who love Women
(Men who are courageous enough to educate and empower themselves to better support themselves and the women in their world)
We invite you to join us in intimate conversations
In this online course, throughout our video series of Women’s Pleasure Power, Dr Jan and I engage the listener as we speak honestly and openly about sex with each other as mother and daughter… AND… as fellow practitioners!
We cover the hot topics of:
How You Can Have More Of Them For Yourself.
How To Blow Your Mind, Heart And Pleasure Wide Open
The Exquisite Art Of Solo Sex.
Super Boost The Male, Female Connection.
Healing Sexual Hurts; Body, Mind, Emotion & Energy
Looking at each of the 5 Video topics from both the ‘head’ ( Dr Jan – Clinical) and holistic, or ‘heart’ (Ella – Tantric) perspectives.
We talk about exactly how each and EVERY woman can learn how to access multi orgasmic states of pleasure powerfully for herself!
We share candidly with you our own personal journeys of sexual awakening –
the courageous steps we have both taken as women to educate, empower and liberate our own pleasure.
Taking into account that I am a holistic practitioner, Tantric and in my late 30’s and Dr Jan is a clinically based Ph.D and a wise 70 years old – there is Gold shared here for everyone to learn from and relate to.

We invite YOU to come into our space, share in intimate conversation and
experience the magic for yourself!

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
Why this course?
In the Women’s Pleasure Power Online Video Series Gold Course we give some detailed examples of the brave women who have stepped up to work with us in the past.
Where they started from:
- feeling blocked / numb
- stuck
- scared
- experiencing pain
- feeling unseen / disconnected
- shamed
- confused
- unable to access their permission and pleasure
- were non-orgasmic
- unloved and disempowered
We share some of the practical steps they took and tools they learned, working with BOTH clinical and holistic elements,
to ultimately liberate themselves and claim and embody their own pleasure power.

Know this is for you?
– So if you are a busy woman – stuck in her head, on autopilot and often feeling disconnected to her body and her pleasure.
– If you are a mother or a daughter – looking to educate and empower yourself and your significant other, to have free, beautiful loving and empowering conversations about sex.
– If you are a hot blooded woman – ready to take what you already know and how you embody it to the next level!!!
– Or, you are a man who loves the women in your world enough to educate and empower yourself.
We invite each and everyone of you to come on a conversational journey with us to Claim Your Pleasure Power NOW!
What others have said

After watching the Women’s Pleasure Power Video Series, Anna said:
“Women’s pleasure power puts things in perspective and opens up one’s understandings to where problems may lay and what to do to remedy these.
The videos were heartfelt and informative and I loved the tantric and psychological aspects combined.”

Robert said:
“Enlightening on so many levels!
Needless to say there is something here for every man to learn.
The videos are refreshingly honest and at times confronting but always empowering.
I have a brand new perspective on womens bodies now and how I can better support the ladies I cherish to open more fully, like a ‘beautiful flower’”
What do I get Inside the WPP Gold Course?
Here’s what you will enjoy, learn from and be challenged by to help get you out of your head, and instead come home to your body, embrace your heart and unlock your innate pleasure power.
5 Professionally Mastered Videos that you can watch at your at your leisure – with lifetime access!
Each video comes with a Personal Self-Reflection Worksheet (PDF or Google Doc) so that you can go deep into self-enquiry and begin your own journey of awareness – activating, liberating, empowering and CLAIMING your own pleasure power for yourself!
*You will also have the option to share your responses with the Sex-perts providing your answers in a Google Doc – should you wish to share your feedback (anonymity guaranteed)!
Each video comes with A Detailed PowerPoint Presentation of what Ella and Dr Jan say in each video, with amazing pictures to illustrate the information and help you to process it, personalise it and remember it!
Receive Dr Jan’s PLEASURE TROVE – Massive Extra Value Bonuses! $360 worth of exclusive sexy goodies – Includes an array of audios, pdfs and videos most of which have never been shared before – covering 7 HOT topics ranging from Fantasies to Having Fun with Sex and your Personality – that can only be found here and shared when you say YES to you!
Two Bonus Gifts from Dr Jan and Ella Hall, worth $49.95 each:
Dr Jan’s ebook: Achieving Fabulous Orgasms
Ella’s Full Manual: The 7 Golden Keys to Tantra

Total Value: $665
Now only $99! AUD
Video 1: Fabulous Orgasms for Women

How You Can Have More Of Them For Yourself
Andrea, aged 19, was non-orgasmic and after watching the video only once, this is what she shared:
“I had never had an orgasm and believed I was just one of the unlucky ones that never would.
I shared this belief with my mum, who had been working with Dr Jan, and she showed me the video episode of Fabulous Orgasms for Women.
I loved watching a mum and daughter share so openly.
I ended up experimenting with some of the Tantric techniques that Ella shared in the video with my partner later that night and I had my first big O!!! I couldn’t believe it! I’m not broken!
I’m excited to see what else I can learn and play with – Thank you Dr Jan and Ella”

What you will learn in: Fabulous Orgasms For Women
- What is an orgasm from a clinical perspective?
- Why do we want to have an orgasm (what are the benefits)?
- If orgasms can be so good – why aren’t all women having fabulous orgasms most of the time?
- What percentage of women typically experience orgasms with intercourse?
- What did Dr Jan say when Ella asked her “So how did you learn about orgasms Jan?”
- What did Ella say when Dr Jan asked her “So how did you learn about orgasms Ella?
- (This is a bit cheeky and funny…be warned).
- What are the clinical words to describe our female sexual anatomy?
- What is the structure of the clitoris?
- The difference in relation to experiencing an ‘Orgasm’ from a Clinical (Explosion) to a Tantric (Implosion) perspective.
- The Four Golden Keys of Tantra.
Here is a clip for you to enjoy.
Video 2: Myth-Busting Sex

How To Blow Your Mind, Heart & Pleasure Wide Open
Sheryl was carrying a lot of negative myths about sex and her right to access pleasure:
“My mother taught me that to have premarital sex, get pregnant or to be drunk in public brought shame on me and the family.
To preen, admire myself or be self consumed was an unnecessary luxury.
To touch ‘down there’ was unacceptable behavior.
Many of Mum’s attitudes came from her Mother who disliked men and told me they were not worth the effort.
An Aunt also said that women were just a receptacle for men to dump their rubbish in!!!!!”
Unfortunately… This kind of feedback is not unusual…
After watching the Myth Busting Video Sheryl declared:
“I refuse to let those negative beliefs limit my sex-life anymore!”

What you will learn in Myth-Busting Sex
- One of the most damaging myths for women is That SEX is bad, dirty or wrong
- Ella and Dr Jan teach women that sexual pleasure is their birthright!
- However, so many women have been taught that sexuality is toxic or taboo (and often by their own parents!)
- Negative sexual conditioning from parents can leave deep emotional scars on their daughter’s psyches.
- Examples are given of the myths that some women have been taught.
- eg: You must look like a woman in the magazines or movies to be considered sexy or desirable.
- Ella describes how she helps holistically to heal the scars and wounding of a woman’s body shame.
- An extremely damaging source of myth-information about women comes from the porn industry.
- eg: An increasing number of women are seeking Vaginaplasty to change the appearance of their labia
- Ella describes how she uses tantric practices with women to help them claim their pleasure power and let go of myths.
- The key to sexual pleasure and orgasmic release is “Permission”.
- Dr Jan presents her two “Universal Truths About Sex”.
Here is a clip for you to enjoy.
Video 3: Self Pleasure as Self Care

The Exquisite Art of Solo Sex
Before watching the Self-Pleasure Video Monica said:
“I am a ‘busy’ woman who has never prioritized or spoilt myself – rather, I put others and/or duty first. I am not kind or thoughtful for myself and am quite harsh in my own verbal and everyday demands.
In fact, I am not a nice friend to myself.”
After Monica watched the video and put the ideas into practice, she said:
“Self-pleasuring/self care has been a relatively new experience for me.
I feel I’m still finding my way, not only in my head but in my body.
Finding time, being in the right mood and with the carry-over of the shame/taboo feelings about it, have meant I really have to focus on being gentle with me and making the time to make love to myself!”

What you will learn in Self Pleasure as Self Care
- The many ways we can define “Self-Pleasure”.
- How some women deny themselves pleasure due to judgements about masturbation.
- How the “Busy-Woman” justifies missing out on self-pleasure.
- Dr Jan’s “corny jokes” about masturbation can make us laugh.
- Ella invites us to choose powerful words to elicit more and describe self-pleasure.
- Ella’s story of her little girl and self-pleasure –“caught in the act”.
- How Dr Jan discovered her G-SPOT.
- The three keys to claiming your birthright to self-pleasure.
- The multi-orgasmic smorgasbord! Using Tantra there are endless ways of experiencing Orgasm!
Here is a clip for you to enjoy.
Video 4: Sex Talk

Super-boost the Male-Female Connection
Before watching the Sex Talk Video Fiona said:
“I’ve just realized we don’t talk about sex at all!
We do really need to share things we do and don’t enjoy but we are often too guarded or forced to be very quiet in a small house with the kids.”
After watching the video Fiona was much more positive.
“Now we are making the effort to say what feels good and make some more sound (even if quietly because of the kids) and that’s a good start.
Things are already feeling different…”

Chrissie (aged 72!) said:
“Sex Talk was my favorite video for its honesty factors.
Ella’s upfront personal approach and Dr Jan’s Trusts and Golden Rule were tops!”

What you will learn in Sex Talk
- Why men and women need to talk about sex.
- When and where to talk about sex.
- How to talk about sex.
- What sex to talk about.
- Clinical terms for sex are not very sexy or inspiring.
- Tantric sex words are entrancing and empowering.
- Dr Jan’s words for quality and quantity of sex.
- The two must-tell sex truths to talk about.
- Ella’s personal story about an ex who didn’t tell her their sexual truth.
- The best times to talk about sex.
- The “no-no” times to talk about sex.
- Dr Jan’s Golden Rule for talking about sex.
Here is a clip for you to enjoy.
Video 5: Healing Sexual Hurts

Body, Mind, Emotion & energy
After watching the Sex Hurts video, Mandy (a victim of sexual assault) said:
“I now understand the subtle but nonetheless crucial influence my early negative sexual experience had on my views of sex, power, and relationships. I just sucked the painful memory down into the depths of myself and put it out of my mind.
But it was there, just quietly waiting.
I was too young to understand the impact it had on me then and there was no-one to talk to about it to help me make sense of it. I think it changed me and unconsciously, made me determined to protect myself and not be so vulnerable. I did this by not allowing myself to be hurt, by always keeping part of me back in any relationship.
Hearing about similar painful sexual experiences and learning how other women have worked through them successfully has been life affirming.”
What you will learn in Healing Sexual Hurts
- Women have performance anxiety (just like men do)!
- You are more than just your body: Pain and abuse effects our whole being.
- Physical abuse causes emotional abuse symptoms for some women.
- Physical sexual hurts are often misdiagnosed and it’s hard to get help.
- How sexual anxiety can become sexual phobia.
- There are 2 common sexual hurts – Vulvadynia and Vaginismus.
- How Ella’s tantric work helped heal Jessica’s Vulvadynia.
- How Dr Jan’s hypnosis helped heal Joanna’s Vaginismus.
- What to do if your partner has no compassion for your sexual pain?
- The key to healing sexual hurts is to listen to your body.
Here is a clip for you to enjoy.

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
More Rave Reviews

After viewing the Womens Pleasure Power Video Series Penny said:
“So much is starting to make sense now. Thank you for this precious gift.
I really feel that you are both so caring and tender, genuine and empathic to such sensitive subjects.
So I thank you as this is what I have looked for over so many years!
My sexual issues have been such a huge part of my life that has really depressed me and made me do lots of destructive things.
These videos show your viewers your beautiful natures: show your passion for sexual healing (sorry but Marvin Gay just popped in my head!) and that you really do know what you are talking about, so thank you for making them.
I have learned to listen to my body … it knows best.
I now choose to be ‘sex curious’, to play my body as an instrument and let it sing!”

“Ella and Dr Jan taught with honesty and personal sharing of experiences plus sharing their extensive skills and knowledge.
They have a great combo of expertise”

“I wish I had more of this knowledge before I was 39! My teen years could have been much better with more information and I’m very aware of my daughter having more resources and knowledge to make good choices and set healthy boundaries”.

“As a GP, I found this course enlightening and helpful professionally.
I was shocked to hear some of the stories about poor advice and knowledge regarding sex by health professionals.
As an individual, I found it extremely useful for myself and for my relationship.
I have finished the course with many ideas to put into practice, and look forward to doing so.
A whole new world has opened to me!”
So NOW it’s Your Turn…
• Are you ready?
• Know this is for you?
• Time to put you first and say a full bodied “YES” to
Claim Your Pleasure Power?!
Claim the Gold Course NOW PLUS receive Your delicious BONUSES…
Jan and I lovingly invite YOU to come and join the conversation with us, watching the 5 Videos in the online Women’s Pleasure Power Series.
Total Value: $665
For a limited time we extend our
SUPER Special discount –

100% Money Back Guarantee
The Women’s Pleasure Power online Course has a 30-day, super easy money back guarantee. Take your time and experience the program for yourself. Make sure to watch all the videos and if you aren’t completely blown-away with what you learn, we will refund you every cent.

Watch the 5 videos NOW

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
Dr Jan’s Full E-book
Achieving Fabulous Orgasms
© Dr Janet Hall
Valued at $49.95
Ella’s Full Manual
The 7 Golden Keys Of Tantra:
How to Unlock Your Multi Orgasmic Potential.
© Ella Hall
Valued at $49.95

Dr Jan’s Pleasure Trove of Gifts worth $360

Great Sex in a Loving Relationship
Content: Webinar Video – Value: $69
Here’s What You’ll Learn:
• The advantages of sexual well-being in an intimate relationship
• How to assess a loving relationship and set goals for enhancing sexual intimacy
• How to overcome the obstacles which you might face in expressing your sexual intimacy
• Gain the skills to better communicate, enjoy your relationship and prevent future problems
• Ways to preserve and enhance sexual intimacy when time is limited and stress begins to build
• How to increase friendship, fun, and sensuality in your relationship

Couples Communication Made Easy for Sensational Sex
Content: Audio and PDF – Value: $46.00
• Learn the truth about desire and arousal
• Have confidence in asking for what you want
• Learn communication skills which work for your sex life

How to Use Sexual Fantasies To Have Sensational Sex
Content: Audio and PDF – Value: $46.00
• Fantasy basics with the goal of creating your own
• Sharing fantasies with someone you trust
• Why fantasies occur and when
• Difference between male and female fantasies

How to Have Fun With Sex and Your Personality
Content: Audio and PDF – Value: $46.00
• What are the four personality types?
• How Can We Identify Someone’s Personality Type?
• How The Four Personality Types Approach Sex

The Secrets of Oral Sex: How To Make Love with Your Mouth
Content: Audio and PDF – Value: $69.00
The Best Part of This Audio-Recording Is the Hypnotic Trance Sequence Where It Feels Like You are Actually Having Oral Sex!
Are you curious…
About how sensational oral sex could really be?
• To study up on how oral sex can sensationalise your sex life?
• To know two crucially important precautions for fantastic oral sex?
• To know the best oral sex techniques to please your partner?
• To learn how to overcome oral sex phobia?

The Magic of Sensual Massage for Your Woman’s Pleasure
Program Content: Audio and PDF -Value: $30.00
A Note From Dr Jan:
This Magic Method of Sensual Massage was written for me by a genuine massage therapist.
It is a small document but worth its weight in gold for the man who wants to give his woman pleasure and the woman who is desperate to receive it!

How Good Is Your Relationship? Dr Jan’s Ultimate Test
Content: PDF Value: $30.00
How Well Does your Relationship Pass the Test?
CHEMISTRY: Does it feel right?
COMPATIBILITY: How much do you have in common?
COMMON GOALS: How many do you share?
SPEED Through Life: Are you moving at the same pace?
The Test of Your Relationship
Thinking Of Leaving Him/Her?
Our GIFTS to you are FREE –
ONLY when you claim your
Women’s Pleasure Power Online Video Series Gold Course.
Back to you – Satisfaction Guaranteed!
100% $ back guarantee
YESSSSSSS Dr Jan and Ella
“I’d have to be crazy not to give your course an honest try.
I can’t wait to review this life-changing material.
I realise I’m covered by your 14 day total satisfaction guarantee.
And thank you so much for including the bonus material totally free.
I can’t wait to claim my Pleasure Power!”
7 Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know this will work for me?
As Pleasure Power Experts, with over 60 years experience between them, Dr Jan (PhD, Hypnotherapist and Sex Therapist) and Ella (Transformation Success Coach, Tantric Practitioner) have taught Sexual education and empowerment to thousands of people and receive messages from happily transformed individuals and couples every single day. There’s no need to worry that you’re an exception.
If you remain curious and allow yourself to explore something new, we say:
“It will work for you, too!”
I’m a man, can I join too?
Absolutely, we highly recommend this!
We have created this content for women AND the men who love them.
It is perfect for men who are open to having an even better understanding of knowing what their women might be experiencing, and how better to have beautiful, loving and empowering connections and conversations about everything pleasure, sex and love.
Even if you’re a single man. All men can benefit knowing how best to connect and communicate with yourself first, and then connect even more deeply to the women in your world so that everyone feels safe, held, loved and empowered!
I’m a single woman, does it make sense for me to join the course?
We cannot emphasize it enough. This course will be extremely empowering for you, no matter your relationship status or your sexual orientation.
You will be educated and inspired to take some of the suggestions and techniques on board that you can practice any time — with yourself first! You can then take these into practice later with your partner, a future partner, or you can just play as you explore more pleasure and saying YESSSS to you!
How will this course help me overcome my pain?
Knowledge is power and clarity power AMPLIFIED!
Through understanding you are not alone and having access to a number of suggested tools/ techniques and varied approaches to clear mental, emotional and physical pain – natural healing states can be accessed more readily.
Using Tantric techniques combined with clinical education have been proven to improve circulation and cure numbness in the physical body, as well as having dramatic influence on emotional healing and freedom in both the mind and body.
Thus leading to a more relaxed nervous system and promoting feelings of greater self-acceptance and not feeling pressure to “perform” etc.
What is Pleasure Power?
Pleasure Power is the magic that results when a man or woman grants themselves full permission to be educated and empowered to come out of their ‘head’ (the busy mind) and access instead their bodies (heart and sex) intrinsic peace, wisdom and full body pleasure states powerfully!
Your ticket for guaranteed sexual fulfilment!
Is my purchase discreet?
Yes, your credit card statements or receipt will not reveal the nature of your purchase. All purchases are charged as ‘Http://Www.Ellaha,Clifton Hill’.
Where and How can I watch?
Claim Your Pleasure Power Courses work on all your devices with a web browser and internet access.

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
Who are Pleasure Power Experts?

Pleasure Power Experts is the collective wisdom and life experience shared intimately by Dr Jan (PhD, Hypnotherapist and Sex Therapist) and Ella Hall (Transformational Life Coach, Tantric Practitioner) who are passionate and dedicated to bringing more pleasure into your life by offering you head meets heart (Clinical vs Tantric) online training courses and Podcasts (more coming soon!).
They have made it their life’s mission: to educate and empower ALL men and women to live their most liberated, pleasure filled and powerful lives; from the bedroom, to the boardroom and beyond!
Let’s face it, when it comes to having a better sex life, there’s still a whole lot of misinformation out there.
We know knowledge is power and CLARITY is power amplified.
So, Dr Jan and Ella, with over 60 years experience between them, want to shine a light on the myths and misinformation still holding us back. Break through the shame and taboo passed down through generations. Remind, realign and re-empower you with your freedom to CHOOSE – to live your birthright! As a wondrous multi-orgasmic being!
Sex is in no way a one size fits all – it is beautifully unique and once individuals are armed with the right information and empowered to USE it in a way that feels amazing to them – magic happens!
This is where head meets heart…

Women’s Pleasure Power
Gold Online Video Series
As a matter of integrity, in gratitude, please note: all pictures and names on testimonials have been changed to respect and protect the identity/ privacy of individuals.